Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha - Feast: July 14 (Obligatory Memorial - USA)
Born: 165 -- Died: 1680 -- Beatified: 1980
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
Blessed Kateri died in Caughnawaga, Quebec in 1680 A.D. at the age of 24. She led a life a great austerity and love in spite of ridicule and abuse. Blessed Kateri is called "The Lily of the Mohawks". In 1980 she was the first Native American to be declared "Blessed".
St. Teresa of Avila - Feast: October 15th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 1515 -- Died: 1582 -- Canonized: 1622
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: doctor of the Church (1970)
St. Teresa was born in Avila, Spain in 1515 A.D. She joined the Carmelite order at the age of twenty. St. Teresa along with St. John of the Cross helped reform both Carmelite Friars and Nuns. She is the author of "Way of Perfection", "Interior Castle", and her own autobiography. St. Teresa's writings were considered by Pope Gregory XV and Pope Urban VIII to be equal to those of a doctor of the Church. She died at the age of 67. St. Teresa was the first woman to be given the title "doctor of the Church", in 1970 by Pope Paul VI. She is the Patron Saint of Headaches and Spain.
St. Thérèse - Feast: October 1 (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 1873 -- Died: 1897 -- Canonized: 1925
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: doctor of the Church
Thérèse of the Child Jesus was born in Alencon, Normandy in 1873. She was canonized by Pope Pius XI on May 17, 1925. St. Thérèse entered the Carmelite monastery at Lisieux where she instructed the novices of the community. The rapid growth of devotion to this saint is one of the greatest phenomena of contemporary religious history. St. Thérèse died of tuberculosis on September 30, 1897. She is a doctor of the Church. St. Thérèse is the Patron Saint of Aviators, Florist, France, and Missions.
St. Thomas - Feast: July 3rd (Feast)
Born: Unknown -- Died: Unknown -- Canonized: UnKnown
Roman Calendar: Yes (1630) -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other: Apostle
St. Thomas is remembered for his doubt concerning the resurrection of the Lord. He is associated with founding the Church in South India. St. Thomas is mentioned in the Roman Canon. Since the fourth century the celebration of the transference of his body to Edessa has been commemorated on July 3rd. He is the Patron Saint of Architects, Builders, and Geometricians, India, and Pakistan
St. Timothy - Feast: January 26th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: unknown -- Died: unknown -- Canonized: unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Timothy was consecrated the bishop of Ephesus by St. Paul. He was inspired by Paul's virtues and renounced all his worldly goods to follow Paul. St. Timothy received two pastoral letters from St. Paul that are included in the New Testament. He died in the year 97 A.D. St. Timothy is the Patron Saint of Stomach Disorders.
St. Titus - Feast: January 26th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: unknown -- Died: unknown -- Canonized: unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Titus was consecrated the bishop of Crete by St. Paul. One of the canonical epistles is addressed to Titus by Paul. St. Titus was eulogized by both St. John Chrysotom and St. Jerome. He died at the age 105.
St. Turibius of Mongrovejo - Feast: March 23rd (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1538 -- Died: 1606 -- Canonized: 1726
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Turibius de Mongrovejo or St. Toribio was born in Spain around the year 1538. He taught law at the Univeristy of Salamanca. In 1580 he was made bishop of Lima while still a layman. He received the sacrament of Holy Orders and traveled to the Americas. St. Toribio presided over the III Council of Lima in 1583. He devoted much of his time and attention to the native Indian population. St. Toribio died in 1606 and canonized in 1726. He is the Patron Saint of Latin American Bishops.