Saint Elizabeth conceived and gave birth to the one who was to be the Precursor of the Lord, Jesus. When the child was about to be circumcized Elizabeth told the people that he was to be named John. Saint Zachary, unable to speak, asked for a tablet and on it he wrote the words, "John is his name." At this moment Zachary's tongue was loosed and he began to praise the Lord.
Zachary in Hebrew means "Jehovah hath remembered." His FeastDay is November 5.
Saint Zachary, whose wife is Saint Elizabeth, was of the tribe of Abia and a member of the priestly class. It was customary for the priests whose week it was to serve in the temple to cast lots each day for the performance of the various rituals. Saint Zachary was offering incense on the altar when the Angel Gabriel appeared to him. The Angel Gabriel told him that the their prayers would be answered. A son was to be born to them and his name was to be John. Zachary found this hard to believe, for both he and Elizabeth were advanced in years. Overcoming his fear, he asked the angel for some sign. Because he doubted, the angel announced that Zachary would be stricken dumb and would regain the power of speech only when the prophecy was fulfilled.