On the eve of a great battle in the year 312 Constantine had a dream of a flaming cross in the sky and beneath it were the words in Greek, "In this sign conquer." He proceeded south to the Tiber where his victory over the Emperor Maxentius gave him control of the Western Empire. Constantine effected his mother's conversion and had his children reared as Christians. Helena became zealous for the faith and used her influence and wealth to extend Christianity. She built many churches and restored shrines. Her name is particularly associated with churches at Rome and at Trier in Gaul.
When she was an old woman of nearly eighty, with the help of Saint Judas Cyriacus, she
cleared the mound that covered the Holy Sepulchre and uncovered the True Cross that Jesus was crucified. The treasure was then removed to Byzantium.
Saint Helena, mother of Constantine I, was born of humble parents in the Roman province of Moesia, a land on the western shore of the Black Sea. Constantine's father, Constantius Chlorus who had risen to the throne by way of military success was also a native of that region. According to Saint Ambrose, Helena was an inn-keeper when Constantius lifted her from her lowly position and made her his consort. Constantius spent some time in Britain putting down a
rebellion among the Picts and Scots, and died at York. It is thought that he had cast off Helena and taken a new wife long before this time. On the death of his father, the young Constantine brought his mother to live at court at Byzantium, the capital of the Eastern Empire. He honored her by giving her the Roman title of Augusta and also had coins struck bearing her image.