St. Pancras - Feast: May 12th (Optional Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 304 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
The information on St. Pancras is not very reliable. He was probably in Syria. St. Pancras and his father traveled to Rome when he was 14 years old and converted to Chirstianity. He is believed to have been martyred under Diocletian in 304 A.D. St. Pancras is the Patron Saint of Children.
St. Patrick - Feast: March 17th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 385 -- Died: 461 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes (1632) -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
It is believed that St. Patrick died in 461 A.D. Contrary to popular belief St. Patrick was not Irish but was of Romano-British origin. St. Patrick is accredited with converting a majority of Ireland to Christianity in his life time. He founded the metropolitan see of Armagh and authored Confessio. He is the Patron Saint of Ireland and Nigeria.
St. Paul - Feast: June 29th (Solemnity)
Born: Unkown -- Died: 67 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:
St. Paul was martyred in Rome around 67 A.D. He was a Pharisee who converted to Christ after being knocked down by a light and blinded. He is mentioned in the Roman Canon. He was present and condoned the stoning to death of St. Stephen who was the first martyr. St. Paul's letters are dated between 50-65 A.D. He is the Patron Saint of the Lay Apostolate, the Cursillo Movement, Catholic Action, Musicians, Rome, Tent Makers, Malta, and Greece.
St. Paul of the Cross - Feast: October 19th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1694 -- Died: 1775 -- Canonized: 1867
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Paul was born in Liguria in 1694 A.D. He is the founder of the Passionist order. St. Paul always had a great love for Christ Crucified and his Congregation was dedicated to preaching "the mystery of the Cross and devotion to the Passion." He died in Rome in 1775.
St. Paulinus of Nola - Feast: June 22nd (Optional Memorial)
Born: 353 -- Died: 431 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Paulinus was born in Bordeaux, France to a Senatorial family. He was well educated and advanced through the government ranks. He married a Spanish Lady, Theresia, who told him of her belief in living a strictly evangelical life. After the death of their son, St. Paulinus sold all their possesions and moved to Nola where he started a monastic community. He was later made bishop of Nola and served for 20 years before his death.
St. Peter - Feast: June 29th (Solemnity)
Born: Unkown -- Died: 64 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:
St. Peter was the first Pope of the Church. He was a fisherman before being called as an apostle. St. Peter died around 64 A.D. by crucifixion. However, St. Peter was crucified upside down because he did not feel he was worthy to die in the same manner as our Lord. He has two epistles attributed to himself. St. Peter is mentioned in the Roman Canon. He is the Patron Saint of Bakers, Clock Makers, Fisherman, and Rome.
St. Peter - Feast: June 2nd (Optional Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 304 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes (555) -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:
This is not St. Peter the Apostle although he is among the the Roman Saints who are comemorated daily in the Canon of the Mass. He was martyred in 304 A.D. along with St. Marcellinus. He was said to have been an exorcist. Pope Damasus is the authority for the martyrdom as he received the information from the executioner himself. He was beheaded.
St. Philip - Feast: May 3rd (Feast)
Born: Unknown -- Died: Unknown -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other: Apostle
St. Philip came from Bethsaida of Galilee. He was marytred in the first century by dying on the cross at Heirapolis. He is only mentioned in the Gospels with the list of the apostles. Clement of Alexandria thought he could possibly be the young man in the Gospel of John who begged to leave and go home first and bury is father to which Jesus replied "let the dead bury their dead". St. Philip along with St. James is the Patron Saint of Uruguay.
Pope St. Pius V - Feast: April 30th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1504 -- Died: 1572 -- Canonized: 1712
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: Pope
Michael Ghislieri was born in 1504 in Bosco. He was ordained a Dominican priest. Pope St. Pius V implemented the reforms of the Council of Trent; promulgated the Roman Catechism, the Roman Missal, and Roman Breviary used until Vatican II. He died May 1, 1572.
Pope St. Pius X - Feast: August 21st (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 1835 -- Died: 1914 -- Canonized: 1954
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: Pope
Pope St. Pius X motto was "Renew all things in Christ". He was born Giusseppe Melchoire Sarto in Riesi on June 2, 1835. Pius X became the 258th Successor of Peter in 1903. He was canonized on May 29, 1954. Pope Saint Pius X is the Patron Saint of Sick Pilgrims.
St. Perpetua - Feast: March 7th (Optional Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 202 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:
St. Perpetua was martyred in 203 A.D. for being a professed Christian. She was martyred under the persecution of Emperor Severus along with Saturus, Saturninus, Revocatus, Secundulus, and St. Felicity. She would not deny her faith even at her father's pleading. She was thrown by a cow and then pierced by the sword of a gladiator.
St. Polycarp - Feast: February 23rd (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 75 -- Died: 155 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Polycarp was a disciple of St. John the Evangelist. He suffered martyrdom in 155 A.D. by being burned at the stake. St. Polycarp accompanied St. Ignatius of Antioch to Rome to consult with Pope Anecitus about the celebration of Easter. He was bishop of Smyrna and one of the first martyrs to be venerated.
St. Pontian - Feast: August 13th (Optional Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 235 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Pontian was ordained bishop of Rome in 231 A.D. Emporer Maximinus exiled him and Saint Hyppolytus to Sardinia. He was beaten to death in 235 A.D. and buried in the Cemetery of Callistus.