St. Marcellinus - Feast: June 2nd (Optional Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 304 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes (555) -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:
St. Marcellinus is among the the Roman Saints who are commemorated daily in the Canon of the Mass. St. Marcellinus was a prominent priest in the City during the reign of Diocletian. Pope Damasus is the authority for the martyrdom as he received the information from the executioner himself. He was beheaded.
St. Mary Magdalene - Feast: July 22nd (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: Unknown -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
Mary Magdalene was one of the few apostles who stayed with Jesus while he suffered and died on the Cross. She was the first one to see the risen Jesus. Jesus told her to announce His resurrection to the other apostles. St. Mary Magdalene was cured of demons, however she is usually mistaken as the sinful women of Luke 7:36-50. She is the Patron Saint of the Order of Preachers and Penitents.
St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi - Feast: May 25th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1566 -- Died: 1607 -- Canonized: 1669
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: Mystic
St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi was a Carmelite nun in the monastery of St. Mary of the Angels located in Florence, Italy. She took a vow of perpetual virginity at the age of ten. St. Mary Magdalene entered the cloister at the age of sixteen. She eventually became Subprioress of the monestary. St. Mary Magdelene died at the age of 41 after five years of physical and spiritual trials.
St. Margaret of Scotland - Feast: November 16 (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1045 -- Died: 1093 -- Canonized: 1250
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Margaret was the daughter of Prince Edward d' Outremer and a German princess Agatha. At the age of twelve she fled to Scotland were King Malcolm II gave her and her family a home. She married King Malcolm and had eight children. St. Margaret died after learning that her husband and sons had been slain in an attack.
St. Mark - Feast: April 25th (Feast)
Born: Unknown -- Died: Unknown -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other: Apostle
Mark's Gospel account of Jesus Christ is probably the oldest of the four Gospels being written around 70 A.D. He is believed to be the cousin of Barnabas. St. Mark is associated with St. Peter and St. Paul. He is the Patron Saint of Notaries, Egypt, and Venice. St. Mark is believed to be the first bishop of Alexandria and his symbol is the winged lion.
St. Martha - Feast: July 29th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: Unknown -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Martha has been given the title disciple of the Lord. She was the sister of Mary and Lazarus. When St. Martha received the Lord as a guest at Bethany, she looked after Him with great devotion. She begged the Lord to raise her brother Lazarus from the dead. St. Martha is the Patron Saint of Cooks, Housewives, Servants, Waiters, and Waitresses.
Pope St. Martin I - Feast: April 13th (Optional Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 655 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: Pope
St. Martin was born in Todo, Italy. He was the last pope to die a martyr. St. Martin called the Council at the Lateran in his first year and condemned Heraclius and Monothelitism going against a decree by the Byzantine Emperor who commanded there be no discusion on the issue.
St. Martin de Porres - Feast: November 3rd (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1579 -- Died: 1639 -- Canonized: 1962
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Martin was born in Lima, Peru of Spanish father and African mother. As lay member of the Dominican Order he ministered to the sick and the poor. St. Martin led a humble and disciplined life and was devoted to the Eucharist. He was a close friend of St. Rose of Lima. He died 1639 A.D. St. Martin is the Patron Saint of Hair Dressers, Inn Keepers, and Social Justice.
St. Martin of Tours - Feast: November 11th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 316 -- Died: 397 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Martin was born 316 A.D. in Pannonia to pagan parents. He gave up a military career and was baptized. St Martin became a disciple of St. Hilary. He founded the first monastery in the West at Ligugé. St. Martin was the bishop of Tours. He is one of the greatest Saints in the history of France. He was the first non-martyred saint with an annual feast in the Western Church. St. Martin is the Patron Saint of Beggars, Soldiers, Tailors, and Wine-growers.
St. Mary - Feast: January 1st (Solemnity)
Born: Unknown -- Died: Unknown -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:
St. Mary the Mother of Jesus has four infallible teachings declared about herself. First, that Mary is Ever Virgin. Second, in 431 A.D. at the Council of Ephesus, the primary title of Mary as Mother of God (Theotokos) was sanctioned. Third, on December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX declared the Immaculate Conception as part of the Deposit of Faith. Finally, on November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII declared the Assumption as part of the Deposit of Faith.
St. Matthew - Feast: September 21st (Feast)
Born: Unknown -- Died: Unknown -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other: Apostle, Evangelist
The veneration of St. Matthew goes back to the fifth century. The New Testament describes Matthew as a Levi and a tax collector. He was born in Capernanum (Mt 9:9) and is the author of the First Gospel, which was written in Aramic. St. Matthew probably evangelized Persia and Ethiopia. He was Martyred in Ethiopia. St. Matthew is the Patron Saint of Accountants, Bankers, Bookkeepers, Custom Officials, and Tax Collectors.
St. Matthias - Feast: May 14th (Feast)
Born: Unknown -- Died: Unknown -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:Apostle
St. Matthias was chosen by lot to replace Judas as one of the twelve disciples (Acts 1:23-26). "So they proposed two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also known as Justus, and Matthias. Then they prayed, ´You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this apostolic ministry from which Judas turned away to go to his own place.´ Then they gave lots to them, and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was counted with the eleven apostles." St. Matthias is included in the Roman Canon.
St. Angela Merici - Feast: January 27th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1470 -- Died: 1540 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Angela was born in 1470 A.D. in Desenzano in the territory of Lombardy. She was orphaned at 10 years of age. St. Angela took the habit of a Third Order Franciscan. In 1535, under the patronage of St. Ursala, she founded the Ursulines, a congregation of women who instructed poor girls in the Christian life.
St. Methodius - Feast: February 14th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 885 -- Canonized: Unkn
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
Brother of St. Cyril. They were known as the "Apostles to the Slavs" and wrote liturgical text in the Slavic language and acted as an intermediary between the Eastern and Western Churches. St. Methodius died in 885 A.D. Patron Saint of Bohemia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Moravia, Slovenia, and all of Europe.
St. Michael - Feast: September 29th (Feast)
Born: N/A -- Died: N/A -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:
St. Michael the Archangel is mentioned over a dozen times in the Bible. His name means "Who is like God." In Jude 1:9 he argued with the devil --- Yet the archangel Michael, when he argued with the devil in a dispute over the body of Moses, did not venture to pronounce a reviling judgment upon him but said, "May the Lord rebuke you!" Also, in Revelation 12:7 --- Then war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels battled against the dragon. The dragon and its angels fought back... St. Michael is the Patron Saint of Artists, Grocers, Knights, Mariners, Policemen, Radiologists, Sick, and Soldiers.
Bl. Miguel Austin Pro - Feast: November 23rd (Optional Memorial)
Born: Unkn -- Died: 1927 -- Beatified: Unkn
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
Bl. Miguel was a Jesuit priest in Gaudalupe, Mexico. He was a sympathetic pastor and firm in his piety. Bl. Miguel was executed by the government claiming he was plotting against them. He was saying "Long live Christ the King!" during his execution.
St. Paul Miki and Companions - Feast: February 6th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 1565 -- Died: 1597 -- Canonized: 1862
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Paul was born in Japan around 1565 A.D. and became a Jesuit Priest. He preached the Gospel with great success. In 1597, St. Paul and 25 of his companions consisting of 2 Jesuits, 6 Franciscans, 15 tertiaries and 2 layman were crucified by order of the ruler Hideyoshi on February 5th in Nagasaki. In 1862 they were the first martyrs of the Far East to be canonized. Also, a Mexican, Philip of Jesus who was with the group was the first martyr of the Americas to be Beatified.
St. Monica - Feast: August 27th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 332 -- Died: 387 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes (1586) -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Monica was born in Africa in 331 A.D. She prayed for 30 years for the conversion of her pagan husband. St. Monica then prayed for the conversion of her son, St. Augustine. St. Ambrose helped with the conversion of St. Augustine. She died in 387 A.D. St. Monica is the Patron Saint of Married Women and Mothers.
St. Thomas More - Feast: June 22nd (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1477 -- Died: 1535 -- Canonized: 1935
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Thomas More was born in England and educated at Oxford University. He was named Chancelor to Henry VIII succeeding Cardinal Wosley. St. Thomas refused to recognize the King's divorce and resigned his position as Chancelor. Because he refused to recognize Henry VIII's spiritual supremecy he was imprisoned. St. Thomas more was beheaded on July 6, 1535. He is the Patron Saint of Lawyers.