St. Andrew Kim of Taegõn - Feast: September 20th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 1846 -- Canonized: 1984
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Kim was the first native priest of Korea. His feast day is celebrated along with St. Paul Chõng. Along with these two saints this day honors another 101 Koreans, clergy and lay, young and old that were martyred between 1839 and 1867 in Korea.
St. Maximillian Kolbe - Feast: August 14th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 1894 -- Died: 1941 -- Canonized: 1982
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Maximillian was martyred in 1941 A.D. at Auschwitx by lethal injections. He was born near Lodz, Poland. St. Maximillian founded the Militia of Mary Immaculate, was a missionary in Japan, and offered his life in exchange for the father of family.