St. Ignatius of Antioch - Feast (October 17) St. Ignatius was the second successor of Peter. He was martyred in 107 A.D. by being thrown into a pit of wild animals. St. Ignatius is claimed to have said "May I become agreeable bread for the Lord" before being thrown into the pit. On his journey to martyrdom in Rome he wrote seven letters to the seven churches. These letters include a discussion of Christ, the structure of the Church, and the Christian life. Cardinal Newman once said "The whole system of Catholic Doctrine may be discovered at least in outline in...his seven epistles. St. Ignatius was the first to use the term "Catholic Church" as a collective designation for Christians.
St. Ignatius of Loyola - Feast: July 31st (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 1491 -- Died: 1556 -- Canonized: 1622
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Igantius was born in Loyola, Spain in 1491 A.D. He became a Knight in the court of Ferdinand V and was wounded in the seige at Pampeluna. St. Ignatius retired to Manresa to lead a life of prayer and contemplation. He authored the "Spiritual Exercises". He founded the Society of Jesus in 1540 A.D.; approved by Pope Paul III. The motto of the Society of Jesus is Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam. St. Ignatius died in 1556 A.D. in Rome. He is the Patron Saint of Retreats and Soldiers.
St. Irenaeus - Feast (June 28) St. Ireneaus was born in Smyrna in 130 A.D. He was not ordained a priest until he was 47 years old. St. Ireneaus was disciple of St. Polycarp, who was bishop of that area. He wrote papers against the error of the Gnostics including "Adversus Heareses." St. Ireneaus was martyred in 202 A.D.
St. Isidore - Feast (May 15) St. Isidore died in 1130 A.D. He was married to Maria de la Cabeza (Torribia) who is also a saint. He was born in Madrid of poor parents was christened Isidore after the celebrated Archbishop of Seville. St. Isidore is the Patron Saint of Madrid, Farmes, Laborers, and Rural Communities.
St. Isidore of Seville - Feast (April 4) St. Isidore was the bishop of Seville. He had two brothers that are saints: Leander and Fulgentius and a sister who is a saint, Florentina. St. Isidore is most noted for his conversion of the Visigoths from Araianism to Catholicism. He wrote the "History of the Goths" and the "Book of Etymologies". St. Isidore died in 636 and was declared doctor of the Church in 1722.