St. Frances Xavier Cabrini - Feast: November 13th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 1850 -- Died: 1917 -- Canonized: 1946
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Frances was born in Lombardi, Italy in 1850 A.D. She was the youngest of 13 Children. In the United States she founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart in 1880. St. Frances worked for 28 years in North and South America establishing 67 institutions including schools, hospitals, and orphanages. She is the first US Citizen to be canonized. St. Frances died on December 22, 1917 and was canonized by Pope Pius XII on July 7, 1946. She is the Patron Saint of Emigrants and Immigrants.
St. Cajetan - Feast: August 7th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1480 -- Died: 1547 -- Canonized: 1671
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Cajetan was born at Vicenza in 1480 A.D. He founded the "Congregation of Clerks Regular". St. Cajetan made a tremendous contribution to the reform of morals in the 16th century. He died in 1547 A.D.
St. Joseph Calasanz - Feast: August 25th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1556 -- Died: 1648 -- Canonized: 1767
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Joseph was born in Aragon, Spain in 1557 A.D. He spent 52 years as a priest who taught children the faith. St. Joseph founded "The Order of Clerks Regular of the Poor Schools of the Mother of God". He died in 1648 A.D. and was canonized by Pope Clement XIII in 1767. St. Joseph is the Patron Saint of Schools for the Poor.
Pope St. Callistus I - Feast: October 14th (Optional Memorial)
Born: Unkn -- Died: 222 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: Pope
St. Callistus I was reported to have been a slave. He was ordained a deacon once he was freed by Pope Zephyrinus and later succeeded him as Pope. St. Callistus fought against the Adoption and Modalist heretics. He organized the first Christian cemetery in Rome and instituted the Ember Day Fasts. St. Callistus was martyred in 222 A.D. during the reign of Alexander Severus.
St. Peter Canisius - Feast: December 21st (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1521 -- Died: 1597 -- Canonized: 1925
Roman Calendar: Yes (1926) -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: doctor of the Church (1925)
St. Casimir - Feast: March 4th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1458 -- Died: 1484 -- Canonized: 1521
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
Canonized in 1521. He died at twenty-three in 1484 after leading an austere life and was known as the brother and defender of the poor. He was a Polish Prince and the third of thirteen children. He is known as the Patron Saint of Poland and Lithuiana.
St. Catherine of Sienna - Feast: April 29th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 1347 -- Died: 1380 -- Canonized: 1461
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: doctor of the Church (1970)
St. Catherine is the author of "The Dialogue" and was a peacemaker in the Church. Born on the Feast of the Assumption in 1347 A.D. St. Catherine was canonized in 1461. In February of 1375 she received the stigmata which was only visible to her until her death and then it was visible to everyone. St. Catherine was responsible for influencing Pope Gregory XI to move the Holy See from Avignon back to Rome. She is the Patron Saint of Italy and Fire Prevention. She was declared a doctor of the Church in 1970.
St. Cecilia - Feast: November 22nd (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 250 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:
St. Cecilia was a Roman by birth and was forced to marry Valarian, a pagan. She converted both him and Tiburtius his brother. St. Cecilia is know for her legendary Passio. This is a poem which exalts Christian virginty. She has been honored in Rome since the fifth century when a Basilica was erected and dedicated to her name. Although she was married she remained a virgin her entire life. St. Cecilia is mentioned in the Roman Canon (Eucharisitic Prayer I) and is the Patron Saint of Musicians, Organ Builders, Poets, Sacred Music and Singers.
St. Peter Chanel - Feast: April 28th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1803 -- Died: 1841 -- Canonized: 1954
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Peter Chanel was born in 1803 A.D. He was a shepherd by birth, but was noticed by a bishop for his intellect and piety. After being ordained a priest he eventually was selected to be a missionary for the Marists in 1836 by Pope Gregory XVI. In 1841, he became the first martyr of Oceania and of the Society of Mary when he was killed by the chieftain because the chieftain's son wanted to convert to Christianity. St. Peter Chanel was canonized in 1954.
St. Paul Chõng of Hasang - Feast: September 20th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: Unknown -- Canonized: 1984
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Chõng was a lay apostle and catechist in Korea. His feast day is celebrated along with St. Andrew Kim. Along with these two saints this day honors another 101 Koreans, clergy and lay, young and old that were martyred between 1839 and 1867 in Korea.
St. Peter Chrysologus - Feast: July 30th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 380 -- Died: 451 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: doctor of the Church (1729)
St. Peter was born in at Imola in Emilia in 380 A.D. where he entered the priesthood. In 424 A.D. St. Peter was elected bishop of Ravenna. He died around 450 A.D. 170 of St. Peter's homilies are extant.
St. John Chyrsostom - Feast: September 13th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 347 -- Died: 407 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: doctor of the Church
St. John Chyrsostom was born at Antioch in about 347 A.D. After his formal education he embraced the monastic life but, became known for his preaching. St. John was elected bishop of Constantinople in 397 A.D. He is considered one of the four great doctors of the eastern Church. Twice he was forced into exile by the hatred of the imperial court. St. John died on September 14, 407 A.D. He is the Patron Saint of Orators, Preachers, and Speakers.
St. Clare - Feast: August 11th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 1193 -- Died: 1252 -- Canonized: 1255
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
Saint Clare was born in Assisi in 1193 A.D. She was a disciple of Saint Francis and founded the second Franciscan Order called the Poor Clares. St. Clare ran the order for 42 years before her death in 1253 A.D. She is the Patron Saint of Eye Disorders, Telegraphs, Telephones and Television.
St. Anthony Mary Claret - Feast: October 24th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 1807 -- Died: 1870 -- Canonized: 1950
Roman Calendar: Yes (1960) -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Anthony Claret was born in Sallet, Spain in 1807. In 1849 he founded the "Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary" (Claretians). St. Anthony was made the bishop of Santiago de Cuba and founded the "Teaching Sisters of Mary Immaculate". He spread devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and Immaculate Heart of Mary by his preachings and writings. St. Anthony died in Fontfroide, France in 1870.
St. Peter Claver - Feast: September 9th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 1580 -- Died: 1654 -- Canonized: 1888
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Peter was a Catalonian Jesuit who serve in the Columbian missions in Cartagena. He spent over 38 years helping the African slaves and is said to have baptized over 300,000 people. St. Peter considered himself the slave of the slaves forever. He died on September 8, 1654. St. Peter is the Patron Saint of Columbia and all missions to black people.
Pope St. Clement I - Feast: November 23 (Optional Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 97 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other: Pope
According to St. Jerome, he has been venerated since the end of the fourth cenutry. St. Clement is the third successor of Peter, after St. Linus and St. Cletus. In the basilica of St. Clement in Rome he is pictured with St. Peter and an Anchor which is suppose to symbolize that his body was thrown into the sea so that the Chirstians could not recover it. St. Clement is listed in the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I). He is the Patron Saint of Marble Workers and Stone Cutters.
St. Columban - Feast: November 23rd (Optional Memorial)
Born: 543 -- Died: 615 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes (1969) -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
St. Columban was born in Ireland and entered a monastery at Bangor. He founded the monastery at Bobbio, Italy which is where he died.
Pope St. Cornelius - Feast: September 16th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 253 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other: Pope
St. Cornelius was elevated to Pope in 251 A.D. He fought against the Novatian schismatics. He was driven into exile by Emporer Gallus. St. Cornelius died in 253 A.D. and is buried in the cemetery of St. Callistus. St. Cornelius is mentioned in the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I). He is the Patron Saint of Cattle and Domestic Animals.
St. Cosmas - Feast: September 26 (Optional Memorial)
Born: Unknown -- Died: 303 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:
St. Cosmas and St. Damian were brother physicians who were martyred around 303 A.D. According to ancient documents his tomb is at Cyrrhus in Syria along with St. Damian. There a Basillica was built there in their honor. St. Cosmas is mentioned in the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I). He is the Patron of Barbers, the Blind, Druggists, Pharmacists, Physicians, and Surgeons.
St. Cyprian - Feast: September 16th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 210 -- Died: 258 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: Yes -- Other:
St. Cyprian was born of pagan parents in Carthage around 210 A.D. He eventually converted to Catholicism and was ordained Bishop of Carthage in 249 A.D. St. Cyprian disagreed with Pope Stephen I on the rebaptism of heretics and schismatics. He was the first African bishop to be martyred. He was decapitated in 258 A.D. St. Cyprian is mentioned in the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I). He is the Patron Saint of Algeria and North Africa.
St. Cyril - Feast: February 14th (Obligatory Memorial)
Born: 827 -- Died: 869 -- Canonized: 1980
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other:
Brother of St. Methodius. They were known as the "Apostles to the Slavs" and wrote liturgical text in the Slavic language and acted as an intermediary between the Eastern and Western Churches. St. Cyril died in 869 A.D. Patron Saint of Bohemia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Moravia, Slovenia, and all of Europe.
St. Cyril of Jerusalem - Feast: March 18th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 313 -- Died: 386 -- Canonized: Unknown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: doctor of the Church (1882)
St. Cyril was the Archbishop of Jerusalem and is a Doctor of the Church. He was present at the Council of Constantinople in 381 A.D. This council is responsible for the Nicene Creed which was promulgated in its final form. He died on this date in 386 A.D. at the age of seventy after 35 years as a bishop of which he spent 16 years in exile.
St. Cyril of Alexandria - Feast: June 27th (Optional Memorial)
Born: 370 -- Died: 444 -- Canonized: Unkown
Roman Calendar: Yes -- Roman Canon: No -- Other: doctor of the Church (1882)
Saint Cyril was born in 370 and led a monastic life. He defended Mary as, Mother of God, at the Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D. St. Cyril of Alexandria was Orthodox in his thinking and wrote many documents explaining and defending the Catholic Faith.