Inn-keepers | St. Amand | 02/06
Inn-keepers | St. Martin de Porres | 11/03
Interior souls | St. Joseph, Husband of Mary | 03/19
Invalids | St. Roch | 08/16
Immigrants | St. Francis Xavier Cabrini | 11/13
Impossible Cases | Rita of Cascia | 05/22
Ironmongers | St. Sebastian | 01/20
Jewelers | St. Eligius | 12/01
Journalists | St. Francis de Sales | 01/24
Jurists | St. John of Capistrano | 10/23
Jurists | St. Catherine of Alexandria | 11/25
Knights | St. Michael | 09/29
Laborers | St. Isidore, the Farmer | 05/15
Laborers | St. James | 07/25
Lawyers | St. Ivo -- St Yves in French | 05/19
Lawyers | St. Genesius | 08/25
Lawyers | St. Thomas More | 06/22
Lay Apostate | St. Paul | 06/29
Learning | St. Acca | 11/27
Learning | St. Ambrose | 12/07
Librarians | St. Jerome | 09/30
Locksmiths | St. Dunstan | 05/19
Lost Articles | St. Anthony of Padua | 06/13
Lovers | St. Raphael | 09/29
Lovers | St. Valentine | 02/14
Marble-workers | St. Clement I | 11/23
Mariners | St. Nicholas Tolentino | 09/10
Mariners | St. Nicholas of Myra | 12/06
Mariners | St. Michael | 09/29
Married Women | St. Monica | 08/27
Masons | St. Louis of France | 08/25
Mentally Ill | St. Dympna | 05/15
Merchants | St. Francis of Assisi | 10/04
Merchants | St. Nicholas of Myra | 12/06
Messengers | St. Gabriel | 09/29
Metalworkers | St. Eligius | 12/01
Midwives | St. Raymond Nonnatus | 08/31
Millers | St. Victor | 07/21
Millers | St. Arnulph | 08/15
Military Chaplains | St. John of Capistrano | 10/23
Miners | St. Anne, Mother of Mary | 07/26
Miners | St. Barbara | 12/04
Miscarriage Prevention | Catherine of Sweden
Missions | Thérèse of the Child Jesus | 10/01
Missions | St. Francis Xavier | 12/03
Missions (Home) | St. Leonard of Port Maurice | 11/26
Missions (Negro) | St. Benedict the Moor | 04/04
Missions (Negro) | St. Peter Clave | 09/09
Mothers | St. Anne, Mother of Mary | 07/26
Mothers | St. Monica | 08/27
Motorcyclists | Our Lady of Grace | 05/31
Motorists | St. Christopher | 07/25
Mountaineers | St. Bernard of Menthon | 05/28
Musicians | St. Dunstan | 05/19
Musicians | St. Paul | 06/29
Musicians | St. Gregory the Great | 09/03
Musicians | St. Cecilia | 11/22
Nail-makers | St. Cloud | 09/07
Notaries | St. Mark | 04/25
Notaries | St. Luke | 10/18
Nurses | St. John of God | 03/08
Nurses | St. Agatha | 02/05
Nurses | St. Alexius | 07/17
Nurses | St. Camillus de Lellis | 07/18
Nurses | St. Margaret | 07/20
Nurses | St. Raphael | 09/29
Old Maids | St. Andrew | 11/30
Orators | St. John Chrysostom | 09/13
Organ Builders | St. Cecilia | 11/22
Orphans | St. Jerome Emiliani | 02/08
Painters | St. Luke | 10/18
Painters | St. John the Evangelist | 12/27
Paratroopers | St. Michael | 09/29
Pawnbrokers | St. Nicholas of Myra | 12/06
Peasants | St. Margaret | 07/20
Penitents | St. Mary Magdalene | 07/22
Pestilence (Relief) | St. Roch | 08/16
Pharmacists | SS. Cosmas and Damian | 09/26
Philosophers | St. Thomas Aquinas | 01/28
Philosophers | St. Justin | 06/01
Philosophers | St. Catherine of Alexandria | 11/25
Physicians | St. Pantaleon | 07/27
Physicians | SS. Cosmas and Damian | 09/26
Physicians | St. Luke | 10/18
Physicians | St. Raphael | 09/29
Pilgrims | St. Alexius | 07/17
Pilgrims | St. James | 07/25
Plague-stricken | St. Roch | 08/16
Plasterers | St. Bartholomew | 08/24
Plumbers | St. Vincent Ferrer | 04/05
Poets | St. Cecilia | 11/22
Poets | St. David | 12/29
Poisoning | St. Benedict | 07/11
Policemen | St. Michael | 09/29
Poor | St. Anthony of Padua | 06/13
Poor | St. Lawrence | 08/10
Porters | St. Christopher | 07/25
Possessed | St. Bruno | 10/06
Possessed | St. Denis | 10/09
Postal Employees | St. Gabriel | 09/29
Preachers | St. John Chrysostom | 09/13
Preachers | St. Catherine of Alexandria | 11/25
Pregnant Women | St. Margaret | 07/20
Pregnant Women | St. Raymond Nonnatus | 08/31
Pregnant Women | St. Gerard Majella | 10/16
Priests | St. John Mary Vianney | 08/04
Printers | St. John of God | 03/08
Printers | St. Genesius | 08/25
Printers | St. Augustine | 08/28
Printers | St. John the Baptist | 08/29
Prisoners | St. Dismas | 03/25
Prisoners | St. Barbara | 12/04
Radio-workers | St. Gabriel | 09/29
Radiologists | St. Michael | 09/29
Retreats | St. Ignatius of Loyola | 07/31
Rome | St. Peter | 06/29
Rome | St. Paul | 06/29
Rome | St. Lawrence | 08/10
Rome | St. Philip Neri | 05/26
Rheumatism | St. James | 07/25
Rural Communities | St. Isidore, the Farmer | 05/15
Sacred Music | St. Cecilia | 11/22
Saddlers | SS. Crispin and Crispinian | 10/25
Sailors | St. Eulalia | 02/12
Sailors | St. Cuthbert | 03/20
Sailors | St. Peter Gonzales | 04/15
Sailors | St. Brendan | 05/16
Sailors | St. Erasmus | 06/02
Sailors | St. Christopher | 07/25
Sailors | St. Nicholas Tolentino | 09/10
Sailors | St. Nicholas of Myra | 12/06
Scholars | St. Briget | 07/23
Schools | St. Thomas Aquinas | 01/28
Schools for the Poor | St. Joseph Calasanz | 08/25
Schoolboys | St. Benedict | 07/11
Schoolboys | St. Lawrence | 08/10
Scientists | St. Albert the Great | 11/15
Scripture Scholars | St. Jerome | 09/30
Sculptors | St. Louis of France | 08/25
Sculptors | St. Luke | 10/18
Sculptors | St. Claude | 11/08
Secretaries | St. Genesius | 08/25
Seminarians | St. Charles Borromeo | 11/04
Servants | St. Zita | 04/27
Servants | St. Martha | 07/29
Shoemakers | SS. Crispin and Crispinian | 10/25
Sick | St. John of God | 03/08
Sick | St. Bartholomew | 08/24
Sick | St. Camillus de Lellis | 07/18
Sick | St. Philomena | 08/11
Sick | St. Michael | 09/29
Sick Pilgrims | St. Pius X | 08/21
Silversmiths | St. Andronicus | 10/11
Singers | St. Gregory the Great | 09/03
Singers | St. Cecilia | 11/22
Singles | St. Andrew | 11/30
Skaters | St. Lidwina | 04/14
Skiers | St. Bernard of Menthon | 05/28
Skin Diseases | St. Anthony | 01/17
Smiths | St. Eligius | 12/01
Snake Bites | St. Hilary of Poitiers | 01/13
Social Justice | St. Joseph, Husband of Mary | 03/19
Social Justice | St. Martin de Porres | 11/03
Social Workers | St. Louisa de Marillac | 03/15
Soldiers | St. Sebastian | 01/20
Soldiers | St. George | 04/23
Soldiers | St. Joan of Arc | 05/30
Soldiers | St. Ignatius of Loyola | 07/31
Soldiers | St. Adrian | 09/08
Soldiers | St. Michael | 09/29
Soldiers | St. Martin of Tours | 11/11
Sore Throat | ST. BLAISE | 02/03
Speakers | St. John Chrysostom | 09/13
Spinsters | St. Catherine of Alexandria | 11/25
Stenographers | St. Genesius | 08/25
Stenographers | St. Cassian | 12/03
Stomach Disorders | St. Timothy | 01/26
Stone-cutters | St. Clement I | 11/23
Stone-masons | St. Barbara | 12/04
Stone-masons | St. Stephen | 12/26
Students | St. Thomas Aquinas | 01/28
Students | St. Jerome | 09/30
Students | St. Catherine of Alexandria | 11/25
Surgeons | SS. Cosmas and Damian | 09/26
Surgeons | St. Luke | 10/18
Swine herds | St. Anthony of Padua | 06/13
Sword smiths | St. Maurice | 09/22
Tailors | St. Boniface | 06/05
Tailors | St. Martin of Tours | 11/11
Tailors | St. Homobonus | 11/13
Tanners | St. Simon | 05/10
Tanners | St. Lawrence | 08/10
Tanners | SS. Crispin and Crispinian | 10/25
Tax-gathers | St. Matthew | 09/21
Taxi Drivers | St. Fiacre | 08/30
Teachers | St. Gregory the Great | 09/03
Teachers | St. Ursala | 10/21
Teachers | St. Catherine of Alexandria | 11/25
Teachers (Principal) | St. John Baptist de la Salle | 04/07
Teenage Girls | St. Maria Goretti | 07/06
Telecommunications | St. Gabriel | 09/29
Telegraph/Telephone | St. Clare of Assisi | 08/11
Telegraph/Telephone | St. Gabriel | 09/29
Television | St. Clare of Assisi | 08/11
Tent makers | St. Paul | 06/29
Tertiaries | St. Louis of France | 08/25
Tertiaries | St. Elizabeth of Hungary | 11/17
Theology | St. Thomas Aquinas | 01/28
Theology | St. Augustine | 08/28
Theology (Moral) | St. Alphonsus Liguori | 08/01
Travelers | St. Julian | 02/12
Travelers | St. Anthony of Padua | 06/13
Travelers | St. Christopher | 07/25
Travelers | St. Raphael | 09/29
Travelers | St. Gertrude the Great | 11/16
Travelers | St. Nicholas of Myra | 12/06
Undertakers | St. Dismas | 03/25
Universal Church | St. Joseph, Husband of Mary | 03/19
Universities | Thomas Aquinas | 01/28
Universities | Bl. Contardo Ferrini | 10/05
Vintners | St. Amand | 02/06
Vintners | St. Vincent | 01/22
Vintners | St. Morand | 06/03
Volcanic Eruptions | St. Agatha | 02/05
Vocations | St. Alphonsus Liguori | 08/01
Waiters\Waitresses | St. Martha | 07/29
Watchmen | St. Peter of Alcantara | 10/19
Weavers | St. Paul the Hermit | 01/15
Weavers | St. Anastasius the Fuller | 09/07
Wheelwrights | St. Catherine of Alexandria | 11/25
Widows | St. Frances of Rome | 03/09
Widows | St. Paula | 01/26
Wine-growers | St. Vincent | 01/22
Wine-growers | St. Martin of Tours | 11/11
Wine-merchants | St. Amand | 02/06
Women in Labor | St. Anne, Mother of Mary | 07/26
Women in Labor | St. Margaret | 07/20
Women's Army Corp | St. Genevieve | 01/03
Workers | St. Joseph, Husband of Mary | 03/19
Writers | St. Francis de Sales | 01/24
Writers | St. Lucy | 12/13
Yachtsmen | St. Adjutor | 09/01
Young Girls | St. Agnes | 01/21
Youth | St. Gabriel Possenti | 02/27
Youth | St. Aloysius Gonzaga | 06/21
Youth | St. John Berchmans | 08/13
Youth | St. Maria Goretti | 07/06