The word in the Bible for saint is the word "HAGIOS" also
translated "SANCTIFIED" or "HOLY ONES". The root word "HAZO"
means to venerate. "HAGIOS" means to be separated from sin
and therefore consecrated to God.
When Paul uses the word "SAINT", he refers to a state into
which God calls men with His grace.
PHIL 4:21 - Give my greeting to every holy one (hagion) in
Christ Jesus.
Paul uses the word to refer to all believers. For Paul,
the word is not applied only to persons of exceptional
holiness, nor to those having died characterized by
exceptional life of saintliness.
EPH 2:19 - So then you are no longer strangers and
sojourners, but you are fellow citzens with the holy ones
(hagios) and members of the household of God.
ROM 12:13 - Contribute to the needs of the holy ones,
exercise hospitality.
ROM 16:15 - Greet Philologus, and all the holy ones who are
with them.
1 COR 16:1 - Now in regard to the collection for the holy
ones, you also should do as I ordered the churches of Galatia.
1 COR 16:15 - I urge you brothers, you know that the
household of Stephanas is the first fruits of Achaia and
that they have devoted themselves to the service of the
holy ones.
It is Paul who calls all his fellow believers "SAINTS" and
not just the notably holy ones. Paul also uses the term for
both those who are living and for those who are dead.
2 THESS 1:9-10 - Those who do not acknowledge God nor heed
the good news will pay the penalty of eternal ruin, separated
from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his
power, when he comes to be glorified among his holy ones
(HAGIOIS) and to be marveled at on that day among all who
have believed, for our testimony to you was believed.
JUDE 14-15 - Enoch, of the seventh generation from Adam,
prophesized also about them when he said, "Behold, the Lord
has come with his countless holy ones (HAGIAIS) to execute
judgement on all and to convict everyone for all the
godless deeds that they committed.
This practice of Paul corresponds to one of the earliest
creedal statements of Christian faith: THE APOSTLES CREED:
refers to the bond of unity among all believers, both living
and dead, who are or have been committed followers of Jesus
Christ. In the eyes of God, in eternity, the distinction
between His People who are living or who are dead is not at
all important.
MK 9:4 - Then Elijah appeared to them along with Moses, and
they were conversing with Jesus.
MK 12:26-27 - As for the dead being raised, have you not read
in the Book of Moses, in the passage about the bush, how God
told him, "I am the God of Abraham, (the) God of Isaac, and
(the) God of Jacob?" He is not God of the dead but of the
living. You are greatly misled.
LK 23:43 - He replied to him (the crucified thief) "Amen, I
say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise."
ROM 12:5 - So we, though many, are one body in Christ and
individually parts of one another.
ON THE CHURCH, NO.49, VATICAN II - At the present time some
of Jesus' disciples are pilgrims on earth. Others have died
and are being purified, while still others are in glory
beholding clearly God himself, three in one, as he is.