The title, Doctor, is given to specific saints who have great knowledge and understanding in theological teachings. Their writings are meaningful to the faithful in Christ for all ages of the Catholic Church and they contributed heavily to Christian teachings. These Saints, Doctors, are regarded to have been inspired by the Holy Spirit but they must not be considered infallible.
Saint Albert the Great
Saint Alphonsus Ligouri
Saint Ambrose
Saint Anselm
Saint Anthony of Padua
Saint Athanasius
Saint Augustine
Saint Basil the Great
Saint Bede the Venerable
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
Saint Bonaventure
Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
Saint Ephraem the Syrian
Saint Francis de Sales
Saint Gregory of Nazianzus
Saint Gregory the Great
Saint Hilary of Poitiers
Saint Isidore of Seville
Saint Jerome
Saint John Chrysostom
Saint John of Damascus
Saint John of the Cross
Saint Lawrence of Brindisi
Saint Leo the Great
Saint Peter Canisius
Saint Peter Chrysologous
Saint Peter Damian
Saint Robert Bellarmine
Saint Teresa of Avila
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Saint Therese of Lisieux