Offering of holy communion as viaticum| Before communion| After communion| Post communion


My God, if I am to die today or suddenly at any time I wish to receive Holy Communion as my Viaticum. I desire that my last food my be the Body and Blood of my Savior and Redeemer; my last words; Jesus, Mary and Joseph; my last affection, an act of pure love of God and of perfect contrition for my sins; my last consolation to die in Thy Holy Grace and in Thy Holy Love.

Come, Jesus, Come!
My poor soul calls for Thee and awaits Thee.
Comfort my poor soul distressed
Come and dwell within my breast,
My Savior, Jesus, come to me.

With all my heart I long for Thee,
Most firmly I believe in Thee,
Most truthfully I hope in Thee,
Most ardently I love Thee.
Then, come, O Jesus
Come to me.

O Jesus, I pray to Thee today for all who are mine, all who Thou hast given me to love and care for. May my Communion be their safeguard and their growth in grace today.
May it be light, strength and consolation to our Holy Father, to our Archbishop, to all priests and bishops and to all who are striving to win souls to Thee.
May it flow through the Church, like the river of Love, and may its fruits be the healing of nations. May it flow to every one outside the Church, to all my relatives and friends, to the poor heathen beyond the reach of sacramental grace.
O Heart of Jesus hear my Prayer. It has more than the efficacy of a saint's prayer today. It is Thine own, for Thou art mine.
Wherever there is temptation to be overcome, innocence to be guarded, death to be met by sea or land, final perseverance to be assured, the good to be supported, the weak to be strengthened, the fallen to be raised, the sad to be comforted.
There let the fruit of my Holy Communion be.

By the working of this Mystery, O Lord, May Our vices be cleansed and our just desires be fulfilled. Through Our Lord, etc. Amen.